West Side Catholic Center Hosts “Sips and Swigs” Benefit

Sat 9/9 @2-6PM

Even if you have mixed feelings about the activities and political meddling of the institutional Catholic church, it’s hard not to feel differently about the West Side Catholic Center, located in Ohio City. For more than 40 years, it has done the work Jesus commanded: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, making sure people have shelter and the job training and access to be able to stand on their own feet. It serves all people regardless of their faith affiliation.

Its annual Sips and Swigs benefit helps provide the resources to do this work. Now in its tenth year, the event will take place at the

. It will offer its patrons craft beverages from more than two dozen local breweries and distilleries, food, live music and the opportunity to learn more about WSCC’s work and interact with people who think making sure everyone has enough to eat is more important than shutting down drag shows.

“Every dollar raised at Sips and Swigs directly benefits the West Side Catholic Center’s programs, enabling them to continue providing crucial support services to Cleveland’s most vulnerable population,” they assure us.

Go here for tickets.



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