Thu 10/14-Sun 10/17
Peninsula Art Academy’s annual Plein Air event is back post-pandemic, and it’s celebrating with what it’s calling it’s “bigger plein air event to date.”
For those who don’t even know what that is, “plein air” just means “outdoors” and it refers to painting from nature. This year, Peninsula Art Academy’s event is called “Paint the Park” and takes place in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, rain or shine (it points out that there are covered shelters with great views painters can use in case of downpour).
Painters can start at 8am on Thursday October 14, and must finish by 5pm Saturday October 16. They’re free to paint anytime but must bring back their canvases each day by 5pm. Canvases are stamped before the artists go out to make sure no one is cheating. Entrance fee is $50 for one canvas; $25 for each additional one.
This year’s judge is watercolor artist/instructor David Rankin. First place winner is awarded $2000 and there are four “awards of excellence” of $500. The awards ceremony takes place on Sunday October 17.
For more information, go here.