Sun 5/5 @ 9AM
The Proud Boys. The Oath Keepers. The Three Percenters. Who are these groups you probably never heard of a few years ago — until they started showing up a rallies and protests and causing conflict?
But behind them are sinister, shadowy groups you may still not have heard of that don’t engage in street violence — but they want to do violence to democracy, equal rights and fair, free elections. Some of them, such as the Heritage Foundation, Hillsdale College, the Claremont Institute or the infamous American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) — which literally writes legislation and hands it to its lackeys in state legislatures to introduce and pass — wield enormous power over elected officials. Their agenda includes such items as destroying programs intended to offer a level playing field to minorities, gutting education, and stripping women of their human rights.
In Ohio, the Buckeye Institute, part of the national State Policy Network of right-wing think tanks, has worked for years to successfully impose policies, such as taxpayer-funded private education for affluent families and failing, for-profit charter schools, that have seen the state’s education ranking plunge from #5 in 2010 to the mid 30s now.
Case Western Reserve associate professor in U.S. politics Matthew Lacombe will speak at the Unitarian Universalist Society’s Forums that Matter series on “Learning to Hate Democracy: The Rise of Right-Wing Organizations.” Learn how these groups became so powerful, what their plans for the country are and how you can fight back. It’s free and open to all. Get more information here.