
One thing we can’t get out of our head is the killing of Tamir Rice at point blank range by Cleveland police officers for the apparent offense of playing with a toy. Mansfield can’t let it go either, and has written 5 more commentaries about this tragic incident, all linked below. By the time you read this, he may have even more to say.
If you’re stuck for holiday gifts, we recommend you ShopLOCAL, just as we have for years. But this time around, we’ve compiled hundreds of local, independent shops, art galleries, boutiques, bookstores, handmade emporiums, record stores, bakeries and vintage shops, all just a click away on your favorite device. Each week through the end of the year, we’ll focus on a different theme. This week it’s Active, Extreme & Zen, featuring skydiving, skateparks, indoor biking, rock gyms, yoga & water sports. Now that’s how you get yourself unstuck. –Thomas Mulready

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Photo by Elisa Vietri

The Good Goat Gallery recently celebrated their 2nd year anniversary in business. After a recent expansion and grand reopening in November, owner, artist and curator Nancy Cintron is psyched about the upcoming Frozen in Time Sat 12/6.
“This show is full of shadow boxes and diorama, which are my favorite forms of art,” says Nancy…
More from Kendall Embrescia-Hridel here
Feeling like your online advertising is stuck? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
SPONSORED: Only @ Oberlin Seeking romance? So was Pericles, the hero of Shakespeare’s Mediterranean adventure. Snuggle up with Oberlin College Theater, Thu-Sun, 12/4-12/7. This holiday, give the gift of unforgettable dates: Oberlin’s Artist Recital Series presents pianist Garrick Ohlsson on Wed 2/10, St. Lawrence String Quartet on Sat 2/20, and Bang on a Can All-Stars on Sun 2/28.

Over 100 protestors — comprised of members of the Children’s Defense Fund’s New Abolitionist Association, Puncture the Silence, and the Ohio Student Association — converged on City Hall on Monday night (Dec.1) to demand changes in a number of police protocols and procedures…
More of Mansfield’s coverage on Tamir Rice:
More from Mansfield Frazier here
SPONSORED: Holiday Hack-a-thon Scene Magazine hosts Holiday Hack-a-thon at Cleveland Public Library. Gather, form teams, pitch ideas and spend the day hacking anything holiday-related: decorations, charity, gift-giving, travel, food, family and friends are all potential hack-ready holiday themes! Everyone is welcome! Sat 12/6 from 10AM-5PM, Main Library. Sign up here: HolidayHackaThon.

Nature inspired, environmentally responsible gifts are part of the Arboretum’s holiday tradition. The annual gift show and sale located in the visitor center runs through Sun 1/4 and features jury selected works by more than 30 local artists. Items include pottery, household goods, jewelry, apparel, accessories, food items and more.
This year some of the extraordinary artists will be highlighted at Trunk Shows every Tuesday night through 12/16 and a Holiday Drop and Shop on Sun 12/14 lets the kids enjoy treats and activities while you peacefully browse the show. HoldenArb.org.

Wanna do something active? Or give someone the gift of something extreme? Or maybe you want to treat someone to a moment of zen. Either way, we have options for you. Check out our ShopLOCAL Guide for places to pick up a gift that’s different — a gift of an active/extreme/zen experience.
View the full ShopLOCAL Guide here
SPONSORED: Give the gift of movies and support your hometown independent exhibitor Cleveland Cinemas! Receive $5 FREE in added value when you buy a $25 Cleveland Cinemas Gift Card online or at the Apollo Theatre, Capitol Theatre, Cedar Lee Theatre, Chagrin Cinemas, Shaker Square Cinemas and Tower City Cinemas. Offer details.

CoolCleveland’s Elisa Vietri is taking a big step, when it comes to her photography, by opening up the new gallery Moonstruck in Little Italy. The quaint little shop on Mayfield bolsters not only Vietri’s work, but also features handmade and vintage goods by other Cleveland artists.
CoolCleveland Correspondent Marty Bielat met up with Vietri at her new location to see what’s hot! In addition to highlighting the cool pieces in the store, Vietri also noted the gallery’s free grand opening is happening this Sat 12/6 @ 7pm. There will be cookies, punch, and even a surprise musical performance. Congrats!

The 5th Street Arcades kicked off holiday shopping season with a bang last weekend! Get ready for another great holiday shopping event this weekend: Manly Mart (Fri 12/05 & Sat 12/06!) Whether you’re looking for a gift for a dad, a brother, or a significant other, Manly Mart will have something for the guys in your life.
The 5th Street Arcades are home to over 40 unique local businesses — many of them new — if you haven’t stopped by lately, now’s the time! Like we said, keeping the money in CLE this holiday season is easy when you shop at the 5th Street Arcades.

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

Lots of people feeling stuck these days. Stuck in jobs they don’t like. Stuck in relationships they don’t want. Stuck in lives they no longer recognize.
Typically, when one area of our lives experiences a setback, it begins to impact the others as well…
More from Alex Sukhoy here

Cleveland Metropolitan School District recently announced that, in addition to the current redevelopment taking place, the Cleveland School of the Arts will also be taking on an academic refurbishment. The school is currently transitioning from grades 6 – 12 to becoming only a high school over the next two years.
CSA is looking to expand their capacity for arts education, while also looking to foster core curriculum studies. Parents can additionally expect to see an increase in art education for the lower grades as well, in order to inspire students to attend the new high school.

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Every semester, Tri-C hosts the Black Box Club, featuring collaboration between departments: from film students to live sound engineers, dancers and visual artists, theatre artists to jazz and rock musicians. Even journalism students will showcase their work along with web design & game design.
Cool Cleveland spoke with Paul Cox, Dean of Creative Arts, in Tri-C’s Black Box Theatre in the Tommy LiPuma Center for Creative Arts, where the first event takes place on Thu 12/4 at 6:30PM. Future events will take place at other Tri-C campuses. Artist-in-residence Jimi Izrael hosts the event, which eventually morphs into a dance party with rappers and DJ.

WED 12/3
The Warehouse District is brimming with holiday cheer. Take part in the 15th annual Warehouse District Holiday Tour & take a tour of neighborhood apts & condos while feasting on food from neighboring restaurants.
Click here for more events on Wed 12/3

THU 12/4
Put on some casual holiday attire & enjoy a festive evening “under the glass” in the greenhouse at Puritas Nursery at Kamm’s Corners’ 11th Annual Wine Tasting Fundraiser. Drinks, music & festivities.
Click here for more events on Thu 12/4

FRI 12/5
Columbus-based Red Wanting Blue are very familiar faces in Cle. What isn’t familiar to rock fans is the venue they’ll be playing on their next visit. They’re kicking off a new concert series called Cathedral Concerts, taking place at Trinity Cathedral.
Click here for more events on Fri 12/5

SAT 12/6
Light Up Lakewood is here, believe it or not. Detroit Ave will be shut down to cars & full of people, music, games, ice carvings, huskies, reindeer, food trucks & general merriment. Holiday cheer for all.
Click here for more events on Sat 12/6

SUN 12/7
The annual Holiday Circlefest is a whirl of special events at various participating University Circle institutions. But it centers on the Winter Lights Lantern Festival at Wade Oval & CMA, a festive procession of bright lights.
Click here for more events on Sun 12/7

MON 12/8
The Cleveland Blues Society’s Dec jam is a little different than their usual monthly jam. This one’s a showcase for the acts that won their 2014 Memphis Blues Challenge competition back in October. Hear ’em play @ Wilbert’s & help ’em get to Memphis for the int’l contest.
Click here for more events on Mon 12/8

TUE 12/9
Christmas is a holiday tailor-made for a gospel group and the Blind Boys of Alabama are touring in support of their new album Talkin’ Christmas. Hear this group, which formed at a school for blind African-American boys back in the mid ’40s, at the Masonic Auditorium.
Click here for more events on Tue 12/9

WED 12/10
Cincinnati’s Over The Rhine bring new Christmas music to the Music Box. They’ve released a new Christmas record — again exploring the magic & mystery of quotidian memories & attempting to pin down those wistful, fleeting moments that always seem on the verge of escaping out of reach.
Click here for more events on Wed 12/10
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

For the 4th year in a row, the real Santa Paws is coming back to town! His return to The Barkley Pet Hotel and Day Spa on Sat 12/6 will be a holiday memory-making affair you’ll cherish for years to come.
This year’s recipient of your $10 donation per pet will benefit the W.A.G.S. 4 Kids (Working Animals Giving Service for Kids) non-profit organization. Their efforts are dedicated to providing mobility service and autism service animals that meet the specific needs of children with disabilities in Northeast Ohio…
More from Kendall Embrescia-Hridel here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: The Nutcracker — Orchestra & Chorus Superb, Short Version & Dancing Proficient by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Farcical Hounds of the Baskervilles @ Actors’ Summit by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
MANSFIELD: Taking No Prisoners
I attended the 12/1/14 Council meeting and thought the protesters were persistent, determined and elegant. It was like a wave. Two stood to shout a solution and as they were taken away, three others stood with another desired outcome, then another and yet another…
Kevin Cronin
MANSFIELD: See Black, Think Danger
That play area is known for gun violence it is a high crime area. It is sad a 12 year old boy was shot dead. Blame starts in the home with the parents and that gun looked real this is not video games this is real life…
Mansfield, you are a voice of clarity and wisdom, reason and empathy. …and, you are brave enough to speak. I wish the world could hear you. I wish we lived in your world…
Bill Wiltrack
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) VIDEO: Shop Local and Shop Cool with the @ClevelandBazaar and Manly Mart at the @5thStArcades
3) MANSFIELD: On NPR’s “The Race Card Project”
4) ShopLOCAL This Holiday Season
5) Take a Holiday Tour of the Warehouse District @WarehouseCLE

Moving along, thanks to the help of our writers: Roy Berko, Marty Bielat, Kendall Embrescia-Hridel, Mansfield Frazier, Anastasia Pantsios, Alex Sukhoy, Sarah Valek & Elisa Vietri. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Moving forward,
–Thomas Mulready

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