Storytellers Share True Life Experiences at CLE Urban Winery

Thu 1/30 @ 7:30PM

On the last Thursday of each month, the cozy space of CLE Urban Winery in Cleveland Heights is filled with talkers and listeners — and those listeners are rapt as they listen to the performers at each month’s Story Club Cleveland presentation. Each program includes pre-scheduled feature performers as well as open mic participants who arrive early at 7pm to vie for one of the available spots.

Each storyteller gets eight minutes to tell a true story, about something that happened to them or someone they know. It can be on the evening’s theme — this month’s is “Brand New” — or not. At the end of the evening the audience votes on their favorite story, with the winner getting the 3D-printed Microphone of Triumph.

This month’s Story Club is hosted by Dana Norris. Featured performers are poet Michelle Smith (pictured) and improv performer Ali Arnold. The featured charity is the rape crisis center, and the $10 suggested donation at the door goes to the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless. There are also raffle prizes to raise money for charity; each admission comes with three tickets.



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