Public Meeting Shares Information About Lorain Avenue Bikeway

Thu 1/25 @ 6-8PM

Since it was founded in 2011, the nonprofit Bike Cleveland has advocated for safer streets and infrastructure that works for cyclists and pedestrians as well as vehicles. That was when it began working with community partners to transform what it refers to as “Cleveland’s over-built roadway network,” through the Cleveland Midway concept of protected bike lanes; later the city of Cleveland became involved.

This week the city is hosting a public open house to share information about a section of the Cleveland Midway that will run from West 20th to West 65th Street on Lorain Avenue. They say his bikeway will be “physically separated from motor vehicle traffic by a physical barrier, such as curbs and greenspace. This reduces the risk of collisions between cyclists and cars, trucks, and buses. Studies have shown that separated bike lanes can reduce bike-related injuries by up to 75%.”

The meeting takes place at the Urban Community School. It’s free and open to the public. Learn more here.


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