Convergence-continuum Tackles Ionesco Absurdist Classic “Rhinoceros’

Fri 8/25-Sat 9/16 @ 8PM

French/Romanian playwright Eugene Ionesco was one of the dominant playwrights of 20th century absurdist theater. One of his better-known plays, written in 1958, is Rhinoceros, in which all characters but the central one slowly turn into rhinoceroses over the course of three acts. The play is generally seen as a commentary on the complicated politics of Europe in the first half of the 20th century, with its waves of anti-Semitism, Nazism, Communism and nationalism.

Tremont-based convergence-continuum will be tackling the play in light of newly prominent waves of “isms” in the U.S. It opens Fri 8/25 and runs through Sat 9/16 at c-c’s home, the Liminis. Tickets are $20.



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