It’s Time to Vote in Ohio!

Wed 10/12-Tue 11/8

We’re down to the wire — and down to making some important choices about the future of our state — and our country. Those choices take place at the ballot box.

Early voting for the November 8 election starts this week — October 12 to be exact. (If you didn’t heed our warning to register by the October 11 deadline, shame on you!) We urge you to avail yourself of this opportunity to make sure nothing crops up on Election Day, an emergency or an ice storm, to keep you from the polls.

In-person early voting takes place at the board of election in most counties (in Cuyahoga County, it’s on the northwest corner of Euclid Avenue and East 30th Street; the parking lot is behind the building off East 30th.) Hours are:

Weekdays October 12-28 @ 8am-6pm; Saturday October 29 @ 8am-4pm; weekdays October 31-November 4 @ 8am-7pm; Saturday November 5 @ 8am-4pm; Sunday November 6 @ 1-5pm; and Monday November 7 @ 8am-2pm.

On Election Day, Tuesday November 8, polling places are open from 6:30am-7:30pm, and if you are in line at 7:30, they must allow you to vote. It’s a good idea to call your board of elections and check your voting location because many have been changed.

If you prefer to vote by mail, you must fill out a form to request a mail-in ballot. Go here and do it soon — you don’t want your ballot stuck in the mail!

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One Response to “It’s Time to Vote in Ohio!”

  1. Thanks again for your diligence in providing information on Midterm Voting in Cuyahoga County!!

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