Pulling Weeds Will Be Fun at Shaker Lakes Nature Center

Sat 4/27 @ 1-3PM

Some of us love to weed, finding it almost meditative. Others find it a chore. There’s no accounting for preferences but maybe, just maybe, they’ve yet to discover the joy and satisfaction of clearing an area of weeds.

You can discover it at the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes when it participates in Weed Wangle, a one-day volunteer action to clear northeast Ohio’s outdoor spaces on invasive, non-native species that can crowd out native species and have a devastating impact on an entire ecosystem that depends on them. Volunteers will learn from an invasive weed management expert provided by the Shaker Lakes Garden Club how to get rid of invasives and replant the area with native plants.

It’s free and light refreshments will be provided. Registration is preferred. Go here.


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