Online Forum Looks at Ohio’s Repressive New Voting Laws

Mon 4/3 @ 6:30PM

Last summer, The New Yorker magazine ran a piece explaining that Ohio is no longer a functioning democracy in any meaningful way, with a GOP supermajority government that breaks the law, violates legislative protocol to pass laws, and ignores the state constitution in order to seize and hang onto power, no matter what the citizens of Ohio want. Its obsession with looser gun laws and stricter abortion laws, against the will of the majority of Ohioans, demonstrates that.

Since then, it’s gotten worse. Not only has the legislature passed, and Governor DeWine signed, a series of completely unwarranted Jim Crow-style voter suppression laws, including the strictest ID law in the country (despite not being able to cite a single case of voter fraud that could’ve been prevented with these restrictions), they are now twisting themselves into knots and looking to repeal their OWN ban on low-turnout August elections to try to derail a citizen-led initiative to protect reproductive rights.

Join the Cuyahoga Democratic Women’s Caucus on Zoom for a forum on “What we need to know about changes to Ohio’s voting laws.” Regrettably, to have any kind of respectable turnout, we need to know more than most people will be able to learn — exactly how democracy-hating politicians in Columbus intended it. But maybe you can learn a few things to pass on to your friends.

Panelists include Erika Anthony of Cleveland Votes, state coordinator of the Campus Voter Project Alexis Crosby, NE Oho state representative Bride Rose Sweeney, and Catherine Turcer of good government group Common Cause Ohio.

Don’t get depressed, get angry.

Register for Zoom link here.


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