Secondhand Mutts Holds Benefit for Dogs Needing Extra Vet Care

Sun 9/23 @ 2-6PM

What’s a Secondhand Mutt? It’s a dog that’s homeless for some reason and looking for a new home. Those are the dogs that Cleveland rescue Secondhand Mutts works on behalf of — and they work hard. One of their programs is called the Extra Mile, which helps dogs who have health issues get the treatment they need. One of those is a mixed breed named Luana who has a hip dysplasia; Secondhand Mutts’ vets are putting together a plan for her treatment.

Luana will be the guest of honor at Luau for Luana, a fundraiser for the Extra Mile fund, taking place at the Porco Lounge & Tiki Bar. The $50 ticket price includes a specialty cocktail as well as luau-style hors d’oeuvres. A full bar will be available.

The event is not dog-friendly, but you can pet Luana who will be on the patio.

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