Bluegrass Jams Resume at Peninsula’s G.A.R. Hall

Tue 1/10 @ 7PM

What do you have going on Tuesday evening? If you’re like most people, not much.

But if you enjoy down-home music such as bluegrass, maybe even dabble in playing it, come on down to the G.A.R Hall in Peninsula where the Grass Jam is finally back.

Two local leading lights of the genre, Paul Kovac and David Mayfield, are hosting the event, which will feature 3-5 different break-out rooms so you can find a group where you fit in. All ages and skill levels are welcome; Kovac and Mayfield are both multi-instrumentalists so they can offer advice to almost anyone! The bar will be open and you can bring your own food.

It’s a $5 donation at the door.

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