Local Experimental Trio Togoshi Plays at the BOP STOP

Thu 7/1 @ 7PM

About four years ago, three of this area’s busy jazz musicians — guitarist Mike Sopki, drummer Joe Tomino and sax player Dan Wenninger who also plays an Asian flute called hulusi — put together a project called Togoshi, one of many projects these musicians are part of.

Togoshi is an outlet for their experimental, improvisational impulses, in which they incorporate electronics, avant-garde jazz and contemporary classical music. The result is music with many tonal colors and mood, and what happens on any given night can be hard to predict.

They’ll be performing at the BOP STOP Thursday July 1. The concert includes a limited number of in-person tables and a livestream on the BOP STOP’s Facebook page. The livestream is free, although you can make a donation to the band here.

Tickets for a table of up to four people are $50.



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