Independent Bookstore Day Invites Readers to Visit Locally Owned Shops

Sat 4/24

We’re fortunate that most of northeast Ohio’s bookstores are currently open for browsing and buying, and they’ve made accommodations to keep customers safe during the pandemic (Yes, you need to wear a mask).

Still, many had to close for a while and they’re facing stuff competition from online ordering. So why don’t you take the opportunity to celebrate Independent Bookstore Day —Saturday April 24 — by visiting a couple of them and acquiring some new reading material? It’s only by browsing that you can discover that fascinating book you didn’t even know existed.

In Cleveland Heights, there’s Appletree Books at Cedar Fairmount and Mac’s Backs on Coventry (which is offering 10% off on all books and a warehouse sale in the former Big Fun space next door where all books will be $1); there’s Loganberry Books on Larchmere, whose expansive space offers plenty of room for mulling over their large mix of used and new books. There’s the Bookshop in Lakewood, Fireside Book Shop in Chagrin Falls and Learned Owl Book shop in Hudson. The only one we know of that hasn’t reopened yet is Visible Voice Books in Tremont, but you can make an appointment to stop in.



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