Yes, It’s About the Supreme Court. Learn Why at Chagrin Chautauqua

Tue 6/27 @ 6:30PM

Last year, Americans were shocked by the nearly year-long refusal — unprecedented in American history — of Senate Republicans to even hold hearings on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, let alone a vote, holding the seat hostage until a Republican resident was elected to fill the seat with a rightwing choice. It was one of the boldest acts to corrupt the Supreme Court for partisan advantage in U.S. history.

For its summer lecture series Chautauqua-in-Chagrin “America Today”, Chagrin Arts brings in a knowledgeable observer to talk about the role of the U.S. Supreme Court and how its decisions — and its members — have impacted our country, its citizens and the stability of democracy itself with decisions such as Citizens United and McCutcheon which allowed even more unchecked money to flow into campaigns.

Steven Dettelbach, who leads the program, served as U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Ohio under President Obama. He is current co-leader of BakerHostetler’s National White Collar Defense and Corporate Investigations Team.  In addition, he has announced that he will run to be the Democratic candidate for Ohio attorney general next year

The program takes place at Federated Church in downtown Chagrin Falls. Tickets are $16-$23 for adults and $5 for students 25 and under. Tickets may be purchased by phone at (440) 247-9700 or online at

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