Inkubator Conference Offers Learning Opportunities for Writers of All Types

Mon 9/18-Sat 9/22

If you have any interest in writing at all — or even just reading what others have written Literary Cleveland’s annual Inkubator Writing Conference may be for you. They claim it’s one of the largest free writing festivals in the country.

It kicks off on Monday September 18-Wednesday September 20 with a series of live virtual panels with noted authors. Each takes place at 7pm, with Monday devoted to Fiction, Tuesday to nonfiction and Wednesday to poetry.

On Friday September 22 and Saturday September 23, the event goes live at the downtown Cleveland Public Library with an all-day book fair each day and dozens of panels, interviews and workshops on topics ranging from writing your first book to disruptive techniques for poetry experimentation to writing for social change to new Cleveland Journalism. In addition, the Genre Social Room will be open each day where you can hang out between panels and talks and meet other writers.

As mentioned above, it’s free, but the registration deadline is Wednesday September 20. Go here to find a full schedule and to register.

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