Pumpkin Pandemonium Offers Fall Fun Weekends at Heritage Farm in Peninisula


Saturdays and Sundays 9/24/-10/30 @ 10AM-5PM

Yup, it’s that time of year again — loads of harvest/autumn/Halloween weekends around the region. It’s a great time to get out of the city and treat the kids — and yourself — to a day of outdoor fun and enjoy the changing color of the leaves.

One place you can go is Heritage Farms Peninsula which is hosting its Pumpkin Pandemonium every Saturday and Sunday through Sun 10/30. You’ll find all the games, contests and activities you expect at these events — a harvest maze, a straw tunnel, scavenger hunts, hayrides and more.

There will also be a concession stand with food, a barn with crafts and vintage items for sale, and live music. And you can buy all the items you need to adorn your own home in a festive harvest decor—pumpkins, gourds, straw bales, corn stalks. Admission is $7 per person; hayrides are $3 extra.

Heritage Farms is also open Wednesday-Fridays from 2-6pm for pumpkin sales; the harvest maze and scavenger hunt are also open those days for $4.



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