Story Club Cleveland Returns for the Fall With Some Changes


Fri 9/8 @ 7:30PM

Story Club Cleveland took a summer hiatus — and now it’s back with a brand new location and on a new day. It’s moved to a venue called the Brownhoist at 4403 St. Clair, which it describes as “a creative community of makers and doers dedicated to benefiting the residents and neighbors in the St. Clair community.”

It’s moved to Fridays and after September, when it’s on the second Friday due to the Labor Day holiday, it will be on the second Friday of each month.

The programming will be the same: three featured storytellers and three slots up for grabs for people to share a true story of no more than eight minutes or 1300 words — if more than three people sign up, names will be drawn from a hat. This month’s featured speakers are Cleveland Heights poet laureate Siaara Freeman; writer Lee Chilcote; and comedian America’s Tim Cornett. Story Club Cleveland founder Dana Norris hosts.

Tickets will now be $15 in advance, $20 at the door, and will now include light munchies, and drinks will be available for purchase. Doors open at 7; storytelling starts at 7:30. Get tickets here.


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