Street life heats up
It’s in the air. Local and national blues artists are stepping out at Treelawn all weekend long at the Women of the Blues Festival. Riverdog Barn senses the vibe and have already offered a peek at their summer schedule. Chayla Hope is back with a vengeance and a cool new album, Mess of A Woman. CoolCleveland writer and experimental filmmaker Bruce Checefsky is recreating lost and unmade films.
We’re in the throes of Cleveland Restaurant Week, with 30 local eateries offering deals, so CoolCleveland interviewed Laura Ross of Cleveland Vegan and David Culi of Hyde Park. The Museum of American Porcelain Art has an opening today to showcase an exhibition of women artists for Women’s History Month. A Ukrainian classical guitarist makes his Cleveland debut. Grand River Valley wineries are celebrating ice wines all month. You can take home a native plant kit from the Soil & Water District and be ready when the weather turns for good.
Mai Tai Mayhem celebrates Tiki culture in Akron. In fact, you can make your own if you show up early enough to the Towpath Trail Lantern Parade in Tremont. The Rock Hall screens a film on the life and music of Amy Winehouse. Walk All Over Waterloo opens their annual DayGlo show. The new Karamu House production explores the aftermath of trauma. CAN Journal launches its Spring issue at CIA. If you’re a musician, learn how to create an EPK (electronic press kit) so outfits like CoolCleveland can tell the world about your music. Curate your own adventure.
–Thomas Mulready