Thu 3/13-Sat 3/15 @ 7PM
Greg D’Alessio is a composer and professor of composition and coordinator of the electronic and computer music program at Cleveland State University. He’s been one of the area’s most prominent composers for three decades, crossing genres in his pieces.
Now Cleveland’s No Exit No Music is presenting a program dedicated entirely to his work at three locations., something they’ve rarely done before. They will present world premieres of two new compositions by D’Alessio, Quintet (2024) and A Brief Word from the Present Moment(2025), along with two of his earlier works, Imaginary Doors (2019-2024) and Veil (2001).
“For almost 30 years, Greg has been a composer of significance in Northeast Ohio,” says No Exit artistic director Timothy Beyer. “His music has always been infused with his unique personality and perspective, and he has never been afraid to take risks and be adventurous.”
The ensemble will perform at Trinity Cathedral on Thursday, SPACES on Friday and Praxis Fiber Workshop in Saturday. As always, No Exit concerts are free and open to all. Get more information here.