Lake Erie Ink’s Kids’ Comic Con Moves to a New Location

Fri 3/7 @ 6PM

Sat 3/8 @ 9:30AM-4PM

Lake Erie Ink has moved from its space in the spacious Coventry PEACE Campus Building, now closed, to a smaller office on Taylor Road in Cleveland Heights. But its annual Kids’ Comic Con will take place as usual, offering workshops, panels, and the chance for kids to meet actual artists and share their own work. But this year the daylong event on Saturday March 8 will be at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Community Center at Pivot Center for Art, Dance and Expression on the near west side. It’s designed for artists 8-18. Go here for registration information.

In addition, there’s a teen party for grade 6-8 on Friday evening with a cosplay fashion show, trivia and other games, and drawing and writing with guest artists at moCa Cleveland. Go here for more info.


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