Wed 3/12 @ 5:30-7:30PM
Cleveland independent filmmaker/photographer Bruce Checefsky is known for his conceptual experimental films of various lengths, many of which re-make or re-imagine films that were lost or destroyed, or that were conceived but never made. This week he returns to Youngstown’s McDonough Museum auditorium to screen some of these works in Lost and Unmade: the Films of Bruce Checefsky.
This group of films will focus on pre-1920 and post-1935 works, especially films by Jewish filmmakers destroyed during World War II. They include a remake of Maya Deren’s first film, Witch’s Cradle, a collaboration between Deren and Marcel Duchamp, which is considered lost, and Andy Warhol’s 1963 Andy Warhol Films Jack Smith Filming Normal Love, which vanished after it was confiscated by the New York City Police.
This screening will also include Doctor Hypnison (Serbian Surrealist Salmon Monny De Boully), Ulysses, Part I (by Czech artists Karel Tiege and Jaroslave Seifert), Béla (György Gerő, Hungarian Dada artist & avant-garde filmmaker), A Woman and Circles (by avant-garde poet Jan Brzękowski) and Pharmacy (Stefan and Franciszka Themerson).
The screening is free and open to all.