Fri 3/14 @ 8PM
It seems like nothing can derail the unstoppable forward momentum of Cleveland cowpunk quartet the Whiskey Daredevils, led by tireless vocalist Greg Miller since 2003. And before that — starting in 1990 — Miller, along with drummer Leo Walsh, played in the similarly styled Cowslingers. Both are/were known for a rollicking mixture of honky-tonk country, rockabilly, garage and punk rock, mixed with honkytonk-flavored ballads and love songs. The Daredevils are rounded out by bassist Sugar Wildman and guitarist Hector Mattos. And they keep cranking out the releases and the new material.
Next week they’re unveiling yet another new piece of work called Fast and Furious, claiming to be their 17th. It features 13 new tracks, 12 originals and a cover of The Cure’s “A Forest,” an odd choice but you know they’ll make it their own.
“We do what we do,” says Miller. “We have been making real rock music before most of you were born and we will continue to make it after most of you are dead. We are a constant like the sun and moon.”
The band will be celebrating the release with a show at the Beachland Tavern, on a co-bill with Nashville’s Hillbilly Casino. Get tickets here.