Cleveland Ballet Interprets Picasso at Cleveland Museum of Art

Fri 3/14 @ 7:30PM

You have only two more weeks to check out three current special show, Picasso and Paper, at the Cleveland Museum of Art — it closes on Sunday March 23.

If you’d like to get another angle on the work, join the Cleveland Ballet at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Gartner Auditorium this weekend where they perform “Impressions of Picasso,” translating some of his works into movement. Picasso himself had an interest in dance, and the show itself contains some of the images he designed for stage costumes, set and curtains for ten ballet productions. The Cleveland Ballet will perform a pair of works inspired by Picasso’s Harlequin paintings and, more forebodingly his 1937 masterpiece Guernica reflecting on the carnage among civilians during the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. They will also perform excerpts from Don Quixote and Paquita.

There will also be a pre-performance discussion with Playhouse Square president/CEO Craig Hassall, former managing director of the English Nation Ballet, on the topic “Picasso, Ballet, and the Ballets Russes.” That’s at 6:30 in the Morley Lecture Hall and is free to ticketholders for the dance performance.

Get tickets here.


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