Sat 2/12 @ 7:30PM
Once again Story Club Cleveland will be back at Forest City Brewery, which is its new home on the second Wednesday of each month.
Of course, this month’s story theme jibes with Valentine’s Day: It’s “Love & Sh*t,” and it invites its storytellers to relate their tales of the worst part of being in love. If you’ve got a story to tell (it must be true, and no more than eight minutes/1300 words), come on down and sign up. As usual, a couple of featured performers get things started before the mic is opened to those who came down and signed up at 7pm (if more than three people sign up, names are drawn from a hat.) This week, the special guests are storyteller Tate Russell and humorist/author/journalist (founder of LGBTQ+ news outlet The Buckeye Flame) Ken Schneck.
Forest City Brewery has a full menu of food and drink to order from to patake of while you enjoy the stories. Get tickets here.