Master Local Historian John Grabowski Holds Forth on “Cleveland A to Z” @ Music Box

Thu 2/6 @ 7PM

John Grabowski is widely known as one of the leading experts on Cleveland history. He’s an associate professor of history at Case Western Reserve University and a historian and researcher at the Western Reserve Historical Society. He’s the editor of The Encyclopedia of Cleveland History and The Dictionary of Cleveland Biography. He probably knows more Cleveland stories than the next ten top Cleveland history experts. As such, he’s been involved in the Cleveland Stories Dinner Party evenings hosted by the Music Box Supper Club in partnership with the WRHS.

And now it’s his turn to shine at one of those evenings when he talks about “Cleveland A to Z” and shares some entertaining and not-widely-known stories about Cleveland’s past.

You can arrive as early as 5pm to eat, or you can show up before the 7pm program kickoff and enjoy the talk for free. Make a reservation here.

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