Learn What You Can Do to Make Change at Cleveland Heights Resistance Fair

Sat 2/8 @ 1:30-3:30PM

A few weeks ago, we ran a piece titled “What To Do Next,” talking to those discouraged by the gusher of hate, bigotry, lies and corruption that have overrun our country in a mere couple of weeks.

We had two main suggestions. One was to take a break for self-care. Please continue to do that, whether it’s doing yoga, walking your dog and reading romance novels by candlelight. Whatever works for you. And we suggested disengaging from a Trump-justifying mainstream media, feverishly working to normalize things that aren’t normal. (Imagine how the media would’ve responded to ANY other president reacting to a plane crash with mass casualties while blaming “DEI” and “dwarfism” among other things, while openly admitting he didn’t know but this was his “opinion.” It would have been unified in its shock, calling for his resignation.)

But we also said, “Don’t disengage from activism forever.”

Right now, dozens of organizations and causes are demanding attention and money — and many are worthy. But you can’t make everything you cause unless you want to burn out quickly. We suggested that instead of running in circles with your hair on fire because you’re angry and upset about 20 different issues (and there are more than that to be upset about!) to choose one or two issues on which to focus your energy. Become really involved in them. Get to know your fellow activists in that space. Choose a couple of achievable goals so you don’t feel like you’re always tilting at windmills.

One place to get your foot in the door is the Resistance Fair, sponsored by the Cleveland Heights Democratic Club Saturday February 8 at the Cleveland Heights High School cafeteria. There you can meet and chat with representatives from organizations working to address the issues you’re interested in. More than 30 organizations have signed up so far, representing issues such as reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration, gun safety, the environment, restoring democracy to Ohio, and many more. Talking with people already engaged in these causes can give you a better idea of what they are doing, what kind of work they need people for and where you might fit in.

Anyone who wants to make positive change for people in their neighborhood, in Ohio and in the country is welcome. No registration is required.

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