Thu 2/13 @ 7-10PM
On the heels of opening its completely transformed space, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History is transforming some other things too — such as its monthly Think & Drink with the Extinct series.
Described as “a new spin on a classic favorite,” Epoch is the museum’s new 21+ evening, featuring activities, educational presentation and music provided by local electronic/hip hop artist E-V who has earned national recognition for his ability to get a party started. The theme for the premiere evening is “The Science of Attraction,” and you can learn about things such as animals’ mating rituals, sexual selection and (probably somewhat less scientific) how to create your own love potion. Also on the less scientific but fun side, there’ll be tarot readings and aura photography.
Come as a couple, come on your own — you’ll find a lot to explore with way. Get tickets here.