Tue 2/11 @ noon
Immigration has been at the forefront of many people’s minds in this country for years now, often because it’s been used as a political football, packed with lies and couched in misleading terms so that most of what many people know about immigration and immigrants is wrong. They are not largely “illegal.” They are not “sponging off the government.” They are an economic asset to the U.S. They commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born Americans, especially if they are undocumented. But scaring people is good for business – political business, that is.
A forum at the city club called “Unpacking Immigration” features some Cleveland-area speakers who can deliver some hard truths to rebuke these lies. They’ll about recent executive orders, their impact on immigrant communities in northeast Ohio, and the sort of challenges immigrants (both legal and undocumented) and refugees are likely to be facing. They include Joe Cimperman, president of Global Cleveland; Margaret Wong, one of the nation’s top immigrant attorneys; Selina Pagan, executive director of The Young Latino Network; and Mark Owens, VP of marketing and communications for Team NEO. Go here for information and tickets.
The forum will also be livestreamed starting at noon. If you have questions, you can text them to 330-541-5794.