Fri 1/24 @ 6-9PM
On Friday January 24, MoCa Cleveland will debut a trio of new shows which will be on view through June 1. They include the first U.S. solo show by British artist Harminder Judge, an exhibit by multi-disciplinary artist Gala Porras-Kim who works in Los Angeles and London, and, closer to home, a show called Dear focusing on Black motherhood put together by Cleveland nonprofit Birthing Beautiful Community.
Judge’s show, Bootstrap Paradox, features plaster and pigment works that “explore themes of alchemy, spiritual processions, and the body’s transformation through death,” influenced by funeral rites including ceremonial burning, and intersection of the physical and the spiritual.
Porras-Kim’s show, A Hand in Nature, features paintings, drawing and sculptures that look at knowledge acquisition conservation and preservation: her works will change, grow or disintegrate during the run of the exhibition through the introduction of water, humidity, salt and other nature forces.
The opening reception on January 24 is free and open to all.