Wed 2/5 @ 7PM
Currently, the Maltz Museum is hosting a show called Degenerate! Hitler’s War on Modern Art, a traveling exhibition that explores how Hitler used the art we now take for granted that fills museums today to propagandize against modern movements and the adventurous, experimental thinking that’s an anathema to dictators.
As part of the programming accompanying the show, Case Western Reserve University history professor Kenneth Ledford will lecture at the museum on “Art, Modernism, Degeneration and Jews.” He’ll focus on the “Degenerate Art” (Entartete Kunst) exhibition that took place in Munich in 1938, featuring hundreds of works taken from museums that were displayed with labels mocking and attacking them. The lecture, we’re told, will examine “the nexus of cultural and political events that polarized attitudes toward modernity, prompting many to long for a fictional placid past that ignored the changes of modernity.”
Register to attend here.