The Dance Floor Will Be Hopping at the 61st Thanksgiving Polka Weekend

Fri 11/29 @ 7PM

Sat 11/30 @ 1PM

Six decades ago, local polka radio host Tony Petkovsec launched a new effort to promote polka music in greater Cleveland; the Thanksgiving Polka Weekend, which draws polka musicians and enthusiasts from across the country.

It’s celebrating its 60th annual event this year taking place at the Holiday Inn South in Independence for two days. It’ll be two days of nonstop music ending each day with all-night jams in various hotel rooms starting at midnight, But if you can’t keep your eyes open that late, don’t worry: most of the big names such as Canadian Polka King Walter Ostanek (pictured), longtime Frankie Yankovic band member Joey Miskulin, longtime Cleveland favorites such as the Joey Tomsick Orchestra and the Don Wojtila Band, the youthful Garrett Tatano Band keeping Slovenian-style polka alive for the next generation and more perform much earlier in the day, with collaborations taking place and Tomseck leading an all-star jam at 8pm Saturday.

Saturday starts with the annual National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame awards ceremony at 1PM followed by the polka mass at 3:30. Then the music and dancing start up again until ….who knows what time.

Get more information and tickets here.


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