78th Street Studios Opens Its Doors on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday

Fri 11/29 @ 10AM-4PM

Sat 11/30 @ 10AM-2PM

No, it’s not Third Friday yet, but you can expect many more opportunities to visit 78th Street Studios in the next month, including the big annual Cleveland Bazaar on December 14-15.

You can stop down on Black Friday and instead of jostling for cheap gifts at Walmart, visit local artists’ studios, small businesses and galleries, as well as guest artisans from Cleveland Bazaar, to do a little leisurely shopping before the holiday rush kicks in. You probably won’t find quite as many open as on a Third Friday, but you also probably won’t find the same big crowd and you’ll have more time to browse and chat with artists and business owners.

Or if you’re busy cleaning up from Thanksgiving dinner on Friday, you can also stop by on Small Business Saturday, when some studios and businesses will be open from 10am-2pm. Buy local, handmade and unique!

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