Film About How Michigan Abolished Gerrymandering Screens to Energize Voters to Vote YES on Issue 1

Sat 10/12 @ 7PM

The West Shore film series, hosted by the West Shore Social Action Committee and taking place at West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, screes films dealing with today’s important issues.

And none is more relevant to Ohio at this moment than the 2019 Slay the Dragon, which it will show this Saturday. It follows the successful efforts of a Michigan group called Voters Not Politicians (sound familiar?) founded by activist Katie Fahey to end partisan gerrymandering in that state. It installed an independent citizens panel to draw the state’s districts and in doing so transformed Michigan into a state where elections truly represented the voters.

Now Ohio’s Citizens Not Politicians is hoping to do the same thing by passing Issue 1 in November. Although it gathered one of the largest number of petition signatures of any ballot issue ever, Republicans who now hold absolute power in Ohio due to gerrymandering are attempting to defeat it with a blizzard of lines — a sure sign that passing the issue will be a plus for Ohio, the key to restoring democracy to this one-party state.

See the film (it’s free) and get inspired by how activists in Michigan were able to make transformative change. The film is rated PG and parking is also free.


Rocky River, OH 44116

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