Remodeled B-Side Patio Reopens with Music Three Months After Fire

Fri 9/6 @ 7PM

Early in the summer a fire on the B-Side patio made the space unusable — truly bad timing with Cleveland’s limited warm weather and a full schedule of patio concerts on the calendar.

But the damage has now been repaired, with a brand new stage and upgraded appearance, and the space, part of the Grog Shop complex on Cleveland Heights’ Coventry Road, will be open for business again this Friday. Food and drinks will be served on the patio which two local singer/songwriter/guitarists perform: Brent Kirby, known as one of the most active players in the local scene as well as a catalyst behind making things happen, and Clare Feorene, a gifted composer/vocalist who’s one of the brightest rising young music stars in northeast Ohio.

It’s free but stage is limited, so hurry and RSVP here.

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