Music, Dance and Art Combine in Multi-Disciplinary Performance at Transformer Station

Fri 9/13 @ 7-9PM

The Cleveland Museum of Art is hosting an intriguing multi-disciplinary evening at the Transformer Station. It features a New York-based musical duo called Sky Creature, and dancer/artist Tony Orrico who will create an immersive, two-hour experience for attendees.

Sky Creature’s vocalist and former opera singer Majel Connery and baritone guitarist Matt Walsh are described as “occupying a space between art music and punk rock,” exactly what was said about Cleveland’s Pere Ubu 50 years ago. They recorded their first album with legendary Chicago producer Steve Albini prior to his recent death. Orrico used his body to create life-size graphite works on the walls and floors of the performance space. A previous performance of the collaboration was described thus: “In this high-energy performance, the music progresses from sound bath to ecstatic electronic raga, while Orrico’s canvas thickens with lines.”

 Get tickets to the performance here.

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