Mayor Bibb Hosts “Rally for Our Freedoms” to Help Get Out the Vote for Democratic Supreme Court Candidates

Fri 9/6 @ 5:30PM

In addition to the top-of-the-ballot races — the presidential race and Senator Sherrod Brown’s reelection race — there are some other things that a responsible voter should be knowledgeable about. One of those is Issue 1: every democracy and freedom lover of any political persuasion should vote YES. It would replace the politicians currently drawing legislative and congressional districts to serve their own interests with a nonpartisan citizens’ commission doing their work under rules of fairness and balance. The politicians who currently in power are attempting to lie the issue to defeat, but don’t fall for it.

Equally important is voting for the three Democrats running for seats on the state Supreme Court: Michael Donnelly and Melody Stewart, running for reelection, and Court of Appeals Judge Lisa Forbes, running to move up to the Supreme Court. If they win, Democrats will hold a slight majority and if the Republicans tossed from outsized power by Issue 1 find loopholes to appeal to the Supreme Court to try to undermine it, they will be in a position to protect the voters’ decision.

That’s why Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb is hosting a “Rally for Our Freedoms” taking place at Willard Park (the Free Stamp) downtown. Ricky Smith will host a DJ set, while speakers will energize the crowd by sharing how important it is to get out and vote and to vote ALL the way down the ballot.

  “If there is one thing we know for sure, those who seek to rig the rules for their own gain are not easily deterred,” says Mayor Bibb. “They have politicized Ohio’s Supreme Court in an effort to trick us into voting for justices along party lines, not based on qualifications, experience or temperament.”

RSVP here or just show up. It’s also a sure thing that voter registration workers will be there if you need to register or change your address or need information on checking to make sure you are still registered.

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