It’s Trick or Treat, Arts & Eats, at this Month’s Walkabout Tremont

Work by Jonah Jacobs

Fri 9/13 @ 5-10PM

Thu 9/12 @ 6-9PM

Unsurprisingly, the theme of October’s Walkabout Tremont is “trick or treat, arts and eats.” And if you come own, you’ll find lots of autumnal menu specials and drinks, designed for the approaching cooler weather.

You’ll also finds action indoors at the neighborhood’s businesses and galleries. Kaiser Gallery and Cocktail Lounge will be hosting a second look at its new show Dreams Have Never Made My Bed, which it calls a “landmark,” the 100th solo exhibition by Cleveland-based artist Jonah Jacobs, who’s known for his intricate, large-scale eco-conscious work using everyday materials, reflecting his concern for sustainability and the environment.

“Jonah’s work grapples with how complexity is created out of the repetition of simple shapes, showcases the structural qualities inherent in nature, is a study in the use of unconventional materials, creates conversations about waste, explores the possibilities of sustainable practices in art, and lastly, explores through the repetitive process of labor, the relationship between monotonous work, skill, and the haphazard and organic ways in which forms take shape,” his artist statement tells us.

That show opens with a reception on Thursday September 12 from 6-9pm at Kaiser and will also be open during Walkabout.



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