DEVOtional Returns to Celebrate Noted Akron Band

Fri 9/20 @ 7PM

Sat 9/21 @ 2PM

Once again, the DEVOtional — that event that celebrates Akron’s legendary DEVO — is back in town, attracting dedicated spuds from all over the country to Cleveland for two days of music and other activities at the Beachland Ballroom.

It kicks off with a Friday night warm-up show, which used to be in the Tavern but outgrew it a couple of years ago. This year’s lineup includes Off Leash, known until recently as Detention, plus Massive Hotdog Recall and Akronauts. All three bands share their DEVO’s Akron hometown.

The big day is Saturday when the spuds will be partying all afternoon and evening. There’ll be a bunch more bands, today from around the country, reflecting the spirit and energy of DEVO. The 9:30pm headliner is Baltimore’s Devoid, preceded at 8:30 by Macula Dog from Brooklyn, NY. Goin’ Under, who bills itself as being from “USA, Planet Earth”), plays at 7pm with the raffle announcement at 7:45.  San Francisco’s San Fran 3some plays at 6, with vocalist Nicole Stoehr of Disney’s DEVO 2.0 band at 5:15, El Vomito featuring members of Cleveland’s Sockeye at 4, and ButterTuna featuring ButterKnives and and ZooneToona at 3. There’s a special screening at 4:45 of a documentary made at DEVOtional 2023.

There will also be five special deep dish DEVOlved pizzas created by Catered Productions out of Chicago (of course) to reflect the tastes of late DEVO member Robert Casale, directed by his brother Gerald Casale. It’s a must to order your pizza in advance.

Go here for tickets and get more info here.



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