Concert Features Artist With One Toe in Pop and the Other in Avant-Garde Music

Wed 9/25 @ 8-9PM

The Cleveland Uncommon Sound Project is about to launch another season of the sort of boundary-pushing experimental music that it was created to present.

Canadian-American musician Claire Rousay is a vocalist, guitarist and percussionist with one foot in the avant-garde, experimental scene and one in the genre of freeform, edgy pop that became known as “post rock.” That she has recorded for Chicago’s Thrill Jockey label, the home of such seminal post-rock groups as Tortoise, The Sea and Cake and Trans Am, offers some idea where she’s coming from. Her music draws from found sounds, field recording drones which she shapes into something vaguely resembling a pop tune, filtering personal lyrics through processed vocal effects to create layers of means and nuance. Her surprising background includes abstract math rock, emo and even evangelical worship bands where she played percussion. Of her latest release she says, “I have been on a quest to communicate my feelings and ideas as clearly as possible lately. Pop seemed like the way to do that this time.”

That means her music may be a tad more accessible and mainstream than much of what CUSP presents. She’ll perform at the Calicchia Gallery Studio (formerly Convivium 33). The Powers/Rolin Duo are also on the bill. Admission is $20; tickets are available here.



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