Cleveland Photo Fest Hosts Noise Concert

Sat 9/21 @ 8PM

You can stop in at the Bostwick Design Art Initiative Galleries on Fridays from noon-9pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from noon-5pm to see the multiple shows that comprise the Cleveland Photo Fest including more than 50 photos of CATS.

But there’s an extra chance to check out the shows, and hear some cutting-edge music as well. On Saturday evening, NIHIL OMNIA, Murderous Vision and Andrew Kirschner will play a free noise concert. NIHIL OMNIO is described as “a collaborative experimental art-noise project’ featuring a couple of veterans of the local noise scene: Shawn Slowburn and Cleveland Photo Fest co-director Jim Szudy.  They combine mutating sound with projected visual images. Murderous Vision is a veteran death/ industrial band from Fairport Harbor, who will also be signing a new 177-page “historical compendium” called Murderous Vision.” Thefinal artist on the bill is Mistake on the Lake Records owner Andrew Kirschner, a member of the noise project Sissy Spacek.

The show (and parking to the east of the gallery) is free and open to all. Get full info here.

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