Fri 9/20-Sun 9/22
If you’re a birding enthusiast, or merely intrigued by avian diversity, then you’ll want to check out the Headlands Birding Festival, which is debuting this year. A joint effort of Headlands Beach State Park, Lake Metroparks, the City of Mentor, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Blackbrook Audubon Society, Tour Lake County, and Friends of Headlands Beach State Park, the weekend-long event, taking place at Headlands Beach State Park and Mentor Marsh State Nature Preserve — an area that hosts more than 350 bird species, one of the highest numbers in Ohio — will feature experts leading walks to some of the area’s best birding spots and doing presentations on the species that visit and nest there and stop in the area as they migrate south for the winter. There’s even a Lake Erie boating trip
The event opens Friday evening with a keynote speech by writer/photographer Jim McCormac, author of Birds of Ohio. On Saturday, Greg Miller, who broke the record for most bird species seen in North America in a single year, will speak. To get a full schedule of events and register go to headlandsbirdingfestival.com.