Artist Antwoine Washington and his Printmaking Collaborators Share Their Process at an Artists’ Talk

Tue 9/24 @ 6PM

Dive Art Projects, located in a house off Waterloo on East 156th, is currently showing of new work by Antwoine Washington called Work in Progress. Washington has become well known in the area for the nonprofit he co-founded, the Museum of Creative Human Art, as well as for his figurative painting. This past May he began a residency at Deep Dive, working with Deep Dive founder Bellamy Printz and independent curator/CWRU PhD candidate Ben Levy to explore ways of translating his painting practice into printmaking, which he’d never done before, just as he was starting to explore a more abstract vision. The show displays how Printz and Levy helped Washington adapt and develop his ideas through different printmaking processes including monoprint and woodblock.

The three will do a collaborators’ talk which starts at the gallery at 6pm before moving over to the Waterloo Arts Café across the street. It’s free and open to all. The show will be on view through the end of the month of it’s a last opportunity to see it.

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