Last Chance for the Peninsula Flea Is This Weekend

Sat 8/17 @ 10AM-3PM

All good things must come to an end, and alas, that includes summer. This week is the final week for the Peninsula Flea, a series of upscale markets taking place at Heritage Farms in (duh) Peninisula throughout the summer.

The market, which sprawls over a meadow, barnyard and barn, offers handmade items by area makers, fine art, recycled crafts and vintage and collectible items, with a different mix of vendors at each market. There’s food available to enjoy while you shop, as well as live music. And this month, you can hear from two of the area’s most notable singer/songwriter/guitarists, Brent Kirby (10am-noon) and Taylor Lamborn (12:20-2:30pm), both of whom are also very active in supporting other musicians in the local music scene.

Both admission and parking are free.


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