Kent Guitarist/Singer/Composer Guy Pernetti Kicks Off Folknet’s Fall Music Series

Sun 9/1 @ 7PM

Cleveland nonprofit Folknet has been offering support for acoustic musicians and opportunities to hear them perform for decades now. One of those is its monthly first-Sunday Mountain Rose concert series, which presents talented local musicians in intimate venues. And its fall season (September-December) has just started.

It opens with Kent-based singer/songwriter/guitarist/recording engineer Guy Pernetti performing at Kent’s Standing Rock Cultural Arts’ North Water Street Gallery. Pernetti is an established veteran in the regional music, who started performing in his teens, developing mastery of various guitar styles, both electric and acoustic, steel string and classical and even dobro and Hawaiian slide instruments. He displays similar versatility as a composer, with a wide variety of projects including educational, corporate and commercial ones, which maintaining a busy performance schedule that takes his across the country.

There’s a suggested donation of $15, $12 for Folknet members, $5 for all children in a family with a paying adult. And the show are all kid-friendly. Go here for more information.

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