Convergence-Continuum Presents One-Weekend-Only Play About Composers Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn

Thu 8/29-Sat 8/31

Convergence-Continuum Theater’s Tweener series has nothing to do with preteens (“tweens”). They are one-weekend-only productions sandwiched between plays on its regular schedule.

This weekend that series present Songs Without Words (or, The Mendelssohn Play), a solo play by Chicago- actor/playwright Jennifer Vosters, who will do three performances at convergence continuum’s Liminis Theater in Tremont. In the piece, Vosters plays the role of siblings — 19th-century German composers Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn, contrasting the very different trajectories of each and exploring the cultural and familial factors that shaped their lives and careers, assuring that Felix’s work would become performance staples while Fanny’s remained obscure.

Get tickets here.

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