Akron Pride Takes Over Downtown for a Day of Music, Fun and Fireworks

Sat 8/24 @ 10AM-11PM

It’s hard to believe that Akron Pride has grown so big so quickly. It launched in 2017 so it’s just in its seventh year (subtract 2020!) but this, one of the last big Pride festivals of the summer, is a sprawling all-day event that takes over a big chunk of real estate around downtown Akron’s Lock 3 facility.

It starts with the Akron equity March stepping off from the Spaghetti Warehouse at Canal Place on Main Street at 10am and ending up at the festival site, where the day will be filled with performances and activities until the fireworks conclude the day at 10pm.

Cleveland rockers Vanity Crash

Music on the big Lock 3 stage starts at 10am with DJ Honk. After that, there’s a variety of entertainment ranging from music by Timi Funk, Lovers in Reverse, A Good and DJ Nikolina to drag shows at 4 and 8pm, featuring Lady Camden and Nina West. The Equity Stage springs to life at 11am with Cleveland soul singer Corry Michaels, followed by the Millennial Theatre Project (12:30pm), glam rockers Vanity Crash (1:30pm), House of Makavelli (2:30pm), Wednesday Demonstration (3:30pm), Charity Evonna (4:30pm) The Phantom Creek (5:30pm) and Krown Bay (6:30). DJs will be spinning music at Cascade Plaza all day.

There’s also be 30 or so food and drink vendors, representatives from area organizations at information tables and an expanded children’s area. It’s all free, all day.


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