Writers Can Air Out Their Latest Work at CPT’s Dark Room

Tue 7/9 @ 7:30PM

If you’re a writer of any kind with some new material you’d like to give a public airing, you’ve got the chance to get some feedback at writers open mic tthe Dark Room, taking place at Cleveland Public Theatre’s Parish Hall on the second Tuesday of the month.

Writers may bring up to ten pages of work of any kind — a play scene, dialogue, poetry, essay, a novel excerpt. Their work is assigned to be read by whatever actors show up and sign up. You can also stop by just to listen and offer supportive and useful feedback — the works being read are sometimes a first step on the way to a full production.

Sign-up for writers and actors starts at 6:45. Works to be read will be chosen at random until all slots are full. Readings start at 7:30. And there are free wine, beer and snacks. A $5 donation at the door is appreciated but not required.


Cleveland, OH 44102

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