Site-Specific Work by Native American Sculpture Goes on View in Cleveland Museum of Art Atrium

Sun 7/14-Sun 4/13/25

Something new will be appearing this weekend in the Ames Family Atrium of the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Rose B. Simpson’s site-specific piece called Strata, designed especially for CMA, was inspired by the artist’s visit to Cleveland, the museum’s architecture, her own heritage as a member of the Kha’po Owingeh (Santa Clara Pueblo) indigenous tribe, and the landscape of her native New Mexico where she lives and works.

The piece features two large figural sculptures constructed from her primary medium of clay, based on a tribal tradition of ceramics dating back more than 1500 years, as well as metalwork, porous concrete and cast bronze. “The figures’ layers mimic rock eroded through geologic time and the structural materiality of man-made architecture,” we’re told. “Intricate welded metal structures mounted to the heads of each figure, intended to cast shadows, mimic the structures of the mind in relationship to time and space.”

The work will remain on view in the atrium through next spring. Learn more about it here.


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