Missed Cleveland GardenWalk? Go to Lakewood’s This Weekend

Sat 7/20 @ 10AM-5PM

Cleveland GardenWalk just celebrated its 14th year last weekend, but since it started it seems like GardenWalks are bursting out all over in a number of suburban communities as well.

Lakewood’s GardenWalk this weekend is celebrating only its third year, but this is a community that has plenty of gardens and landscaped spaces to show off. Homes, businesses and community organization will be opening their spaces to visitors: both vegetable and flower garden, native plant oases, pollinator gardens, and even home porches and patios filled with plants.

As is usual with these events, you choose your own tour. Download the map on the event’s website and plan your walk/cycle/drive. The walk takes place rain or shine so look at the forecast and bring an umbrella if necessary.



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